The Fresh Patch Blog

Welcome pet-parents, dog fanatics and animal lovers! Thank you for checking out our blog page. Our extremely knowledgeable team at Fresh Patch loves pets as much as you do and we work hard to ensure our content is ‘fresh’ and up to date with useful information for our customers. Our blog posts cover a wide variety of topics such as dog grooming and care, training techniques and tips, puppy potty training and getting the best out of our Dog Grass Patches.

Best Dog Holiday Gifts 2017

Gift-giving season is here and you can't leave your favorite furry friend out! Here are some of the year's best last-minute doggy gifts to give to your dog, your neighbor's...

Canines in the Cold: Keeping Your Dog Content in the Winter

Your dog may thoroughly enjoy a romp through the snow, plowing through the wintry landscape leaving a trail of paw prints behind—but as an owner, it is your responsibility to...

Dog-Friendly Los Angeles Shopping

The holidays are creeping closer and that means you have to finish that holiday gift-list. But why leave your pup at home when you can take them with you? Here...

A Romp Around the Airport

Airports can be confusing, scary, and fun all at the same time. After last Friday morning, two-and-a-half-year-old German Shepherd Ronin can certainly attest to that.  Logan International Airport in Boston...

Happy National Mutt Day!

Here it is, finally: December! It's getting to be the most wonderful time of the year. But Christmas, Hannukah, and Kwanzaa aren't the only major holidays this month. Among others,...

Dogs and Airports - Helpful Tips

With November almost behind us and December about to begin, travel is a more applicable topic than ever. When going home for the holidays, we want to bring all of...