The Fresh Patch Blog

Welcome pet-parents, dog fanatics and animal lovers! Thank you for checking out our blog page. Our extremely knowledgeable team at Fresh Patch loves pets as much as you do and we work hard to ensure our content is ‘fresh’ and up to date with useful information for our customers. Our blog posts cover a wide variety of topics such as dog grooming and care, training techniques and tips, puppy potty training and getting the best out of our Dog Grass Patches.

Barbecue Do's and Don't's for Your Dog

Summer is the perfect time of year for barbecues - and of course your dog will be by your side. However, having barbecue parties or even just family barbecues can...

Dog Movies for Summer Marathons

Summer nights are the perfect time of year to pop in some movies and enjoy a night in with popcorn. If you're a family full of dog-lovers, and want to...

Ways to Calm Your Pup During Fourth of July

It's the end of June and you know what that means - the Fourth of July is just around the corner! While this can be a fun time of year,...

What Service Dogs (and Their Owners) Want You to Know

Service dogs have a tough job - but not everybody knows that! Sometimes our love for dogs can hinder our ability to see them as working pups. Here are some...

Relieving Your Dog in Airports

Travelling can be fun, but it can also be ruff (pun intended) on your pup. If you have your dog in tow when you go the airport, there's lots to...

Benefits of Owning a Mixed Breed Dog

Mixed breed dogs (lovingly known as "mutts") don't get the same recognition as pure breeds, especially since they don't get kennel club dog shows dedicated to them. But there are...