Tips for Beach-Bumming with Your Dog
The summer isn't over just yet. Take advantage of the time you have left and head to the beach with your pup! However, if your dog has never been to...
Picking the Right Vet For Your Dog
Going to the vet is an important part of your dog's life - so deciding where to take them for their vetting is a big decision. If you need some...
Do Doggy DNA Tests Really Work?
If you have a mutt or adopted your dog, then you probably aren't sure where they came from. If you've recently done a DNA test for yourself or for family members,...
Best Dogs for the Country Life
We've told you the best dogs for cities and small apartments, but what about country living? If you live in a more rural area, here's a list of dog breeds...
What Do My Dog's Vaccines Do?
If you're a dog owner, then you know the drill - go to the vet for yearly or twice yearly checkups, get your pup's shots, give them a treat for...
FAQs About Fostering Dogs
Have you been thinking about opening up your heart (and home) to a dog? Making the decision to foster a dog can be a big one - but a very...