
Thanksgiving Tips for Dog Owners

Even if Thanksgiving looks a little different this year, we hope that you at least have your pup by your side! And if you do, you'll want these tips to make sure that you and your dog have a fun and safe holiday. 

"No Scraps" Rule

If you are having family over this holiday, set a "no scraps" rule in order to make it easier on you and your pup. While there are certain foods that are safe for pups to eat, it can be too difficult to control what your pup is getting when you have others at the table. And even a harmless gesture by a guest can end up in a tummyache for your pup. Be sure to tell everyone that there are "no scraps" allowed. Well, for dogs at least. Humans can do what they like!

Doggy Snacks

If you've set a "no scraps" rule, set aside a separate plate of doggy snacks that your pup can munch on. That way, if you do have any guests, they can give your pup doggy-safe snacks so they don't have to feel bad when he begs. 

Collar (and Tags) On!

Your dog might be a little bit lax about wearing their collar since the quarantine started, but if you're having guests over, make sure that they are. Even and if your pup isn't a door-darter, they might be thrown off by not having visitors over recently. Be sure that their collar is on and their tags are attached, so that in the worst case scenario if they slip out, they'll have their ID easily on them. 

Secure the Trash

Even if you pup usually doesn't go through the trash, they might be tempted on a busier day and with looooots of food. Obviously, your dog digging through the trash isn't ideal for a few reasons. One, its messy. But even worse, your pup might get into some things that will upset their tummy. Try to keep a close eye on your trash and/or secure it for the day somewhere that your guests can get to it but your pup won't. 

Be Careful with Decorations

While plants and flowers can make lovely centerpieces on Thanksgiving, always make sure that whatever plant or flower you bring home is safe for your pets. Dogs and cats can get curious sometimes, and might munch on plants that could be toxic to them. If a guest brings a plant over, be sure to research that as well. Guests will understand if they have to keep the plant in the car!


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