How To Set-up Your Fresh Patch Indoor/Outdoor

Are you interested in Fresh Patch but not sure how to set it up? There are many ways to set-up our Real Grass. From the balcony or patio, to right inside your home! We offer different sizes and styles to make set-up easy and fun for you and your furry companion. Whether you ordered our box option, or our plastic tray option, you will find these tips helpful for setting up both.
Setting up your Fresh Patch Outdoors
Upon delivery, you want to open your Fresh Patch package immediately to ensure freshness, since it is a living plant. Open your package near or at the area you want to place it. When choosing a spot remember to keep some things in mind:
- Make sure your Real Grass from Fresh Patch is easily accessible to your dog or pet.
- Keep in indirect sunlight (shade) to avoid drying out your patch.
- Place it under coverage, like an awning, to prevent rain and sun damage.

Box or Plastic Tray
Depending on which patch size you order, it can arrive either in a box, or with a tray

If you chose our box option, this is how you should set it up:
- Pick-up your box from your front door or mail room and place it in your designated area.
- Grab some scissors or a razor to cut the tape off the box to be able to open the lid.
- Once the tape is off, remove the top lid and place it to the side (you will come back to it)
- Take the bottom portion of the box, with the grass inside, and place it in your designated area on your patio or balcony.
Our Fresh Patch box comes with a wax lining to avoid leaks. You can also opt to put the top of the box to the bottom as a secondary tray. Lift the bottom tray with the grass, and place it inside the top tray. This will create a second layer of cardboard to protect from leaks or moisture. (If this isn’t necessary for your set-up, simply just throw the top lid away in your recycling bin)

If you opted for our plastic tray option, this is how to set it up:
- If you purchased one of our combos (grass and plastic tray together), simply open up your box and remove the plastic tray and grass at the same time
- Your grass will arrive on the plastic tray to make this process easier, then all you have to do is place it in your designated area.
- If you ordered our grass and plastic tray separately, begin by opening the tray first.
- Place your plastic tray in the designated potty area and then open up the box with the grass.
- Depending on which size you ordered, your grass will arrive either rolled up and wrapped in plastic, or in our box.
- Remove the grass from the box and plastic and place it on your tray and then unroll. For our box, simply open the lid and transfer the grass to the plastic tray.
- Tuck in the edges and corners for a perfect fit!
- The plastic tray is a one time purchase to be used each time your new patch arrives
- Set-up a subscription with auto-ship and simply throw away your previous box and grass when your new one arrives at your doorstep!
Setting Up Your Fresh Patch Indoors
Setting up your Fresh Patch indoors can be for many reasons. Some of these include, limited patio/balcony space, elderly or disabled dogs, owners who can’t easily get outside, or weather limitations.
Set-up depends on which grass size you choose and whether or not you ordered our box or tray.
- If you ordered our boxed grass, simply take off the top tray lid and discard or place under the bottom box for extra protection.
- If you purchased our plastic tray option, simply take the grass out from the box it was delivered in and transfer it to the plastic tray.
- Combo orders will arrive with the grass already installed on the tray. Simply open the box and remove the tray and grass together.
Place your tray or box where you would like your dogs “spot” to be and unroll the grass onto the tray.

If you want to make the appearance of the Fresh Patch a little nicer in your home checkout our wooden sleeves! Only available to go around our box (not the tray). Our wooden sleeves are handmade in house at Fresh Patch and serve as an aesthetic accessory for your patch. Here's how to set-up your wooden sleeve:
- Simply remove the sleeve from the box. (For our wooden sleeves, please do not discard top tray from box, you will need this for set-up)
- Place the bottom tray of the box inside the top tray. Once that is done, simply slip the wooden sleeve over the box for a nice snug fitment.
- We suggest placing it by the front door or patio door to associate your dog with going out as also potty time. If you choose not to place it by the door, that’s okay! Place it in an area where your dog associates potty time or a spot that has had frequent potty accidents.
Additional Tips:
- Subscription Option: Set up a subscription with auto-ship for convenience. Simply discard the previous box and grass when the new one arrives.
- Location: Place your Fresh Patch by the front or patio door to associate it with going outside for potty time. Alternatively, choose an area where your pet typically goes for potty breaks.
Setting up your Fresh Patch is a hassle-free process that ensures your pet has a comfortable and convenient potty area, whether indoors or outdoors. With these tips, you can create the perfect spot for your furry friend to do their business with ease and comfort.
Give your PET the gift of REAL GRASS with FRESH PATCH!
Perfect for potty training and play enrichment. Our farm-grown pet grass is a natural solution that’s easy to use and delivered right to your home!