
February Dog Holidays

February's not just about Valentine's Day or Groundhog's Day! It's also about the dogs (as always). If you want to celebrate your pooch this month, there are plenty of chances. Here are some of February's big dog holidays. 

Dog Training Education Month

You love your pup for who they are, but that doesn't mean you don't want them to be a superstar! February is Dog Training Education Month, which means it's a whole month for you to devote to training your dog. And it's not about teaching them to 'sit' or 'stay'. It's about encouraging them to be athletes! On this dog training website, you can find an entire training schedule that goes from agility to paw control. Don't know what that means? You can learn!

Spay/Neuter Awareness Month

It's always important to increase your own awareness and spread awareness about spaying and neutering. This month-long holiday, started by the Humane Society of the United States, encourages you to spay and neuter your pets. The benefits to spaying and neutering are ample. Fixing your pet helps keep your dog from running away, curbs their restlessness, and increases their lifespan by about three years. Make this month either about fixing your pet or educating others about fixing their pets.

Pet Dental Health Month

Teeth are important! This has been ground into us since we were children, but it's not just human teeth that are important. That's why the American Veterinary Medical Association has deemed February "Pet Dental Health Month". By keeping up with your pet's dental hygiene, you can greatly decrease your pet's chance of periodontal infections. These infections can be quite serious and ultimately lead to heart attacks, strokes, or kidney disease. Listen to the AVMA's podcast about doggy dental health here

There are lots of other individual dog holidays coming up in February, so stay tuned!


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