Fitbit for Dogs
The Fitbit craze has taken over. You're either a Fitbit nut yourself or you know of one. And there's nothing wrong with that! Fitbit promotes exercise and well-being. So if you are part of this Fitbit craze, we've got news for you. There's not a "Fitbit for dogs!"
The devise is called "Whistle" and is being distributed by Mars Petcare. Mars, who also, funnily enough, makes Snickers and M&M's, purchased Whistle last month, apparently for more than $100 million, which means that Whistle is sure to be successful.
Whistle has a GPS Pet Tracker that makes it easier to monitor your pet's fitness when you aren't with them. This is helpful in many ways. For example, if you have a dog walker come, you can make sure that your pup is getting enough of a workout by checking in with Whistle. Or, if you're wondering just how much your dog does during the day while they're home alone, you can check!
Whistle has a connected app that you can access from tablets and smartphones. Whistle's activity trackers can help you set fitness goals for your pet, track their progress on these goals, and even compare these stats to other dogs. Not only this, but the GPS in the Whistle can help you locate your dog if they ever wander off.
So now you and Fido can set your fitness goals together! Maybe vow to do a jog a night, plus two jogs every day on the weekend. Either way, you'll now be able to track your progress and theirs. Hooray for technology! You can check out Whistle here.
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